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Rules for positioning livestock feeders to protect water


Now the temperatures are cooling down it is important to remember the rules for water when considering where to place your livestock feeders this winter. One of the rules sets out that you must prevent poaching of soil within 5m of any inland watercourse (including drains) or coastal water.

In addition to this you cannot place livestock feeders in the following exclusion zones:

  • Within 50m of a spring, borehole or well

  • within 10m of inland freshwaters (streams and rivers) or coastal waters

  • where due to risk factors produce a significant risk of pollution

In order to assess whether risk factors produce a significant risk of pollution you must take into account the risk of runoff and soil erosion when deciding to position livestock feeders:

  • Angle of slope, if angle exceeds 12 degrees this area should not be used to position feeders.

  • The amount of ground cover, do not place feeders where there is little to no cover.

  • Distance to inland freshwaters, coastal waters, wetlands, springs, wells or boreholes - do not place feeders within the exclusion zones set out above.

  • Soil type and condition

  • Presence and condition of land drains

If you would like help with identifying the risks that apply to your land and how they affect the activities you undertake on your land do contact Gemma by phone or email.

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