Today, 1st December, is the date that the Rural Payments Agency start to make Basic Payments. The RPA try to make as many payments as possible close to the opening of the payment window; although please note that payment window is open until 1st June 2022. If you do not receive your payment this week and would like assistance in finding out why, Gemma would be delighted to assist.
Do remember that we have now entered the transition period for rural payments and therefore your Basic Payment will be less than in previous years; with payments reduced in the following band structures:
Up to £30,000 5%
£30,000 - £50,000 10%
£50,000 - £150,000 20%
Over £150,000 25%
Don't forget, that to receive the payment, you must follow the Cross Compliance rules during the whole calendar year on your land (1st January 2021-31st January 2022). If you would like any help with which cross compliance rules apply to your farm or how best to apply them please contact Gemma on gemma@blackdownconsulting.co.uk or 07533340847.