1st October - NVZ area:
This is the start of the closed period for spreading any manure with high nitrogen content (eg. poultry manure, liquid sewage sludge or slurry) for arable land in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone
15th October - NVZ area:
This is the start of the closed period for spreading any manure with high nitrogen content to grassland in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone
31st October - Water Abstraction Licence Holders
For land owners with a summer water abstraction licence (April - October abstraction) you will now be asked for your Water Abstraction return by the Environment Agency for 2021. This must be returned within 28 days.
If you would like any assistance with Cross Compliance or NVZ records please do not hesitate to contact Gemma on gemma@blackdownconsulting.co.uk or 07533340847.