Applications are now open for landowners to plant more than 100m of hedges under the Woodland Trust MOREHedges scheme. Planting for this scheme must take place in the next planting window, which takes place from November 2022 to March 2023.
The scheme will provide funding to cover up to 75% of the costs of plants, plant protection, advice and guidance provided. Applications can be submitted through the Woodland Trust website; which will need to be accompanied by a grid reference and a map showing where you wish to plant the hedge.
When applying for funding just for a new hedge; you can apply for a minimum of 100m of hedge and a maximum of 250m; provided it directly connects to a parcel of 0.2ha or more of exisiting or new woodland, or it links to existing hedgerows that connect to woodland (effectively extending an existing corridor).
If you are also planting woodland under the Woodland Trust MOREWoods Scheme you may be eligible for funding for up to 1000m of new hedge planting.
Note, that areas of gapping up or planting of hedgerows that is around or within a woodland will not be supported on this scheme.
If you would like any help with an application please contact Gemma on 07533340847 or gemma@blackdownconsulting.co.uk