As we hear news that combines in the UK have now started to roll and with the summer holidays tangibly close, it is important to remember a few key dates.
1st July
The new Basic Payment 'interim' payment window opened. All applicants should receive their interim payment in July or August.
29th July
If you would like to apply for a Countryside Stewardship Mid-tier agreement, an application must be submitted by midnight on Friday 29th July. Countryside Stewardship should be considered as as it may provide vital extra funds, especially with the Basic Payment Scheme now being phased out.
1st August
If you have a derogation to cut or trim hedges ahead of sowing oilseed rape or temporary grassland you can do this from 1st August. This derogation has to be applied for from the Rural Payments Agency.
1st August
For all land in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone this is the start of the closed period for applying manures with a high, readily available nitrogen context, such as liquid digested sewage sludge, slurry or poultry manure to tillage ground that is considered shallow or has sandy soil. There is an exemption where crops will be sown prior to 15th September.
If you would like any assistance with a Countryside Stewardship application, applying for a hedge trimming derogation or the compilation of Nitrate Vulnerable Zone records please do get in touch with Gemma on 07533340847 or gemma@blackdownconsulting.co.uk
I would like to wish all my clients and readers a very happy and successful harvest 2022.