With the decrease in income from the Basic Payment Scheme, now may be the time to look into whether you should enter your land into an Environmental Scheme. Middle Tier Countryside Stewardship may well be a good option to look into for many farmers and land managers.
The key facts about mid-tier Countryside Stewardship are as follows:
If offered you would be entering into a five year agreement
There is the potential for two income streams, revenue payments for options you enter into and capital funding for infrastructure works on your farm
Your whole farm does not need to be entered into a scheme
You will be paid based on the options you select to suit your farm and management system
Payments are made on an annual basis in arrears, with the payment window opening in December
The closing date for applications for agreements starting in 2023 is 29th July 2022.
There are a multitude of options available that suit a large range of farming systems.
A scheme could provide a very helpful extra income stream
If you would like to explore whether a mid-tier Countryside Stewardship agreement could suit you please do get in touch with Gemma on gemma@blackdownconsulting.co.uk or 07533340847.