Applications can now be made by farmers and land owners for Basic Payment and the Countryside Stewardship Scheme for 2022 .
The deadlines to be aware of are as follows:
Friday 29th April
Deadline for applications for higher tier Countryside Stewardship
Monday 16th May 2022 (midnight)
All applications for Basic Payment must be submitted to ensure no penalty is applied.
Any entitlements transfers must take place by this date
Applications for new entitlements from young or new farmers must be made by this date (forms and supporting documents and any business structure changes must also be submitted by this date)
Countryside Stewardship Revenue claims
Environmental Stewardship Revenue claims
10th June (midnight)
Any outstanding Basic Payment & revenue claims can be submitted by this date, although a penalty will be applied for late submission
Supporting evidence and application changes can be made until now with no penalty
29th July
Deadline for applications for mid-tier Countryside Stewardship (please note agreements will not start until 1st January 2023)
For assistance with an application for Basic Payment or Countryside Stewardship please do get in touch with Gemma on gemma@blackdownconsulting.co.uk or 07533340847.